The Department of Tactical and Special Training

The Department of Tactical and Special Training was established in 2020, is a structural unit of the Institute and carries out educational and research activities in the field of professional training of employees of the Investigative Committee as a paramilitary organization (professionally applied physical training, fire training, drill, first aid). The academic disciplines taught at the department contribute to the formation of students’ knowledge, skills and abilities in handling personal (service) weapons, providing first aid, as well as physical readiness for successful service and performance of official tasks.

The main tasks of the department are:

  • organization of educational activities in the profile of the department aimed at implementing the requirements of educational standards, curricula and programs for initial training, retraining and advanced training of specialists for the Investigative Committee of the Republic of Belarus;
  • organization of scientific activities according to the profile of the department, conducting research, scientific and practical seminars and conferences aimed at forming a scientific worldview and skills of research work necessary for a modern officer to successfully solve the tasks assigned to him by the state and society;
  • organization of educational and methodological work on the profile of the department, aimed at the development and introduction into the educational process of innovative means and methods of training students, improving the methodological support of disciplines taught at the department;
  • organization of ideological work at the department, carrying out preventive, propaganda and career guidance activities with students and the permanent staff of the Institute, aimed at forming a high moral and moral culture, reading and preserving military traditions and rituals, maintaining high military and service discipline;
  • organization of sports and mass work, holding sports competitions and physical culture and recreation events aimed at organizing healthy leisure, engaging in regular sports, improving sports skills, forming habits of leading a healthy lifestyle and strengthening the health of students and the teaching staff of the Institute.

          Carries out retraining of personnel in the following specialties:

1-101 01 71 “Organization of pre-trial criminal proceedings”;

1-101 02 71 “Management of preliminary investigation bodies”;